White Balloon

Daily Journal of Mahaan, an Iranian-American student residing in USA.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Streaming Soundtracks Radio

On a day that you feel surounded by unresolved issues of your life, you can only rely on the wisdom of a crowd. This is the crowd who are selecting film music pieces for an online radio named: Streaming-Soundtracks. In this afternoon and many other days and nights I have benefitted from the choice of this crowd. How easier find such a great collection of Morricone, Zimmer, Delerue, ... you name it!

It turns out that the choice is much better in the hours that European and Eastern users are running the show. So there is some bonus for the ones like me in this side of the world.

Friday, March 19, 2010

1388 is getting over

Some believe that 1388 was a cursed year with too much of missery for Iranians. The year had some difficult moment. But I strongly believe that in the process of democratization of Iran, we all aged more than a year.

On the personal side, the changes continued to be dramatic. Finally defending the PhD thesis and then a major move to this Persian gulf state. The continuous information and telecom. bombardment do not allow me to sit back and really dig into these major changes. If I get the chance, I'll realize how crazy things have been changing in my life in the past few months.

I continue to be optimist about life and most of the developments, specially things related to Iran. The comlexities are huge and changes are slow. But they'll sustain.

Happy Spring, Happy New year and happy birthday to white balloon!
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