White Balloon

Daily Journal of Mahaan, an Iranian-American student residing in USA.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Days of grief

It has been a very sad few days. Loss of grandma who battled with cancer for months.... And the very sad news of a young cousin who has had a brain attack and now is in coma. My family are in state of shock... Don't know what to wish for the kid? What sort of miracle?!

In these difficult days, I struggle with meanings of life, its fluidity and....
And more than ever, I sympathize with thousands of families whose loved ones were injured or killed in the recent Iranian turmoil. It's quite bitter.

It's cloudy here, but the sun struggles ...!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

In the Valley of Elah

In the Valley of Elah is a shocking and powerful film about the aftermath of the Iraq war. I can't add more than how A. Scott says about it:

"Almost no violence takes place on screen, but there are times when “In the Valley of Elah” feels almost like a horror film. Its steady crescendo of suspense builds toward the revelation — and vanquishing — of some unspeakable, monstrous evil.

But since the monster has no identifiable physical shape, it is not so easily defeated. While there are killers, liars and sadists to be found in this movie, there are not really any villains. And there is no reassuring conclusion. If it is anguished, even despairing, “In the Valley of Elah” is also compassionate. At heart it is a somber ballad about young men who remain lost in a dangerous, confusing place even after they come home."

Sunday, August 09, 2009

One's Idea


Most girls know what they don't want. Their list is very long!
Most guys know what they want. Their list is also very long!

Close to a deadlock!
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