White Balloon

Daily Journal of Mahaan, an Iranian-American student residing in USA.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Ban on a parlimentary reporter in Iran

Apparently there is not a limit to the shame and disgrace of the so-called Parliament in Iran. Bunch of hooligans who have been selected (not elected) as MPs last year, have baned a female reporter who has worked as one of most active and professional reporters in Iran. Although this incident is not that important comparing with other series of embarrassments that this conservative Parliament has been creating, but symbolically it is an indicative that how much of a loser these guys are. Conservative MPs have booed this reporter several times. Even once one of the conservative MPs almost hit her at the middle of hall way when she challenged him with a question. BBC has a short story (but not complete) story on this. The incident has been the topic of discussions on many Farsi blogs.
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