White Balloon

Daily Journal of Mahaan, an Iranian-American student residing in USA.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Film: The Reader

Independent of their repetitive theme and high frequency, holocaust films are generally done well. Some like Schindler's List or Life is beautiful are very well done and most others stand at the level of acceptable, well done cinema.

The Reader, a new holocaust related film is a poor melodrama with awful actings (except Cate Winslet that does an OK job)! 80% of the movie is covered by dramatic soundtrack that is not able to cover director's terrible story telling and direction. Cinematography is mediocre, filled with an obssesed usage of close ups that never adds to the dramatic effect. The film tries to benefit from the literary narration, but it doesn't go beyond a simple Disney channel movie.
Only if you like Kate Winslet, you might get a bit of treat by checking the romance and fairly graphic sex scenes of her!

Long story short, Reader is a waste of time and money!

PS: It's good that I didn't complain while watching the film, otherwise ....
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