White Balloon

Daily Journal of Mahaan, an Iranian-American student residing in USA.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Order a PhD!!

It's so cool to receive the following spam the day before your PhD proposal, when you're extremely busy and stressed about everything!! and someone is selling degrees out there!

subject: Order a PhD!

No Exams/Books/Tests/Interview/
100% No Pre-School qualificàtionn reqúired!

IInside USA: 1-....
0utside USA: +1-

BacheeIor, Degree, MasteerMBA, PhDD (non áccreditedd) åvailable in the Field of your choice so you can
ëven become a doctor and receivê All the bënefiits That comes withh it!

Pleease leave beIow 3 Info in Vöicemaill:

1) Your name
2) Your countryy
3) Your phone no. [please include Countrycode]

Call Now!! 24-hours a day, 7-Days a Week waiting For your call

|Inside USA: 1-....
0uûtside USA: +1-.....

Our Staff will get back to You in 1-3 working days
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